Scheduled randomness

Sound-art project with oscillating iodine clock reaction.
Mistake is the most interesting phenomenon for me as a composer. Errors often led me to significant creative results. I've realized that and started using improvisation intentionally as a basis of composition. I feel that improvisation brings errors into question as a concept.
I've always seen improvisation as an opposite for order. Most compelling thing in improvisation for me is unpredictability either for me or for audience. I've sought for various opportunities to engage audience into my chaos-producing ritual to shape and focus its attention. But eventually I was fed up with this form of interaction. I want to move over interactivity a little and become a part of audience. That is why I've started to make self-sustaining audio processes that can evolve by chance. It became a basis for my chemical synth project.

By the way, as a composer, aside of chaotic processes, I'm interested in repetitive structures as in minimal music. Common patterns of the processes in music and chemistry made me think of its integration. I've created a piece based on the Briggs–Rauscher oscillating reaction or "chemical clock" as people say. I've attached light and temperature sensors to the flask and created electric circuit to map sensor data to the analog oscillator parameters, such as pitch, amplitude and panning of the square wave. Three voices (connected with three flasks with reaction) produces sound structures with different frequency, slowly fading out into low frequency drone.

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